They sang and danced for me for more than an hour, songs of love, of joy, of happy wishes and most of all, songs of gratitude. I can not help but feel unworthy of all they sing for me but in that special moment they are really happy that I chose to spend my birthday with them. And I felt sad of all I wished I was home the day before.
They invited me to dance with them, lift me up, give me presents that they made. There are postcards on the walls that they wrote and painted, baskets that they produced and finally they bring this huge birthday cake. Some of them had never seen such a cake before. And their eyes were shining with the thought of having a tiny piece of that white cover that looked so appealing.
Because it was a day of celebration, they still got lollypops and whistles and the party went on in the play-garden. They would not get tired of singing, dancing, playing, jumping, whistling. It was a bigger party than my 18 year old fancy celebrations in Stones!

As they left, I had a mix of emotions that is hard to describe. I guess I knew I would never again have this day in my life and, at the same time, I knew the distance from the ones I love back home had just increased because it will be difficult for them to understand what happened in Escolinha do Andre that day.

As they left, I had a mix of emotions that is hard to describe. I guess I knew I would never again have this day in my life and, at the same time, I knew the distance from the ones I love back home had just increased because it will be difficult for them to understand what happened in Escolinha do Andre that day.