A wise man once said - people may be nice to you but they may not always be kind. For someone like me, who likes to assume the goodness, or should I say the kindness in people, that is not inate.
I guess I never really stopped to think about of all those people who are nice to me, who would really step up the game and still be kind in the absence of a clear win win situation. Less absurd inverse correlation if you think of it like that.
Still, it does not mean I like the thought, it makes you second guess people, second guess thoughts and intentions. And even though this may be how a lot of people operate, it still messes with my mind. I guess my coach was 'spot on' when she said I am extremely values driven and I operate on the basis of what is right or wrong, as per my own values, naturally! That means multiple, somewhat persavive things - first, when other people operate under a value driven approached but based on a different set of principles, I find it just plain wrong, even if I can even understand where they are coming from. Second, it means I typically assume most people do the same, and that is most often not to the same, principles and values can be shaped to circumstance to many people. And lastly, I assume I can be annoying to other people as sometimes I just can not see any other way.
The wise man would also say, stop speaking non sense and get some sleep. Yes my wise bald friend, I will, better now that I got this off my chest, even if the whole world gets to see it.
Your bald friend