Yesterday the internet in Argentina did not cooperate so no update. The day in Mendoza was great, with the nice and small family Vineyard of Altos de Hormigas being one of my favourites. They were very nice and the Malbec reserva the one that finally convinced me to like Malbec!

We still had one more vineyard to go, Familia Zucatti, where we had a great lunch but the tours was already too much, we prefered to walk around on our own. But again, very different and very worth it!
Today, we added Tevia to the group (after she came in my room at 5am) and repeated the Cemeterio since Tev and Shilps had not seen it, and then Malba. Surprise, surprise. Buenos Aires is not a small city but we still managed to run into Nitin and Ted in the Museum! We had a nice lunch with them and went for some more sightseeing in the afternoon. We went to Plaza de Mayo where the Casa Rosa is, walked down Calle Florida, the shopping street and up to Plaza San Martn for an excellent night view of the city.
Now, it is time for Tango!