Today we took (another) early start and came to Iguazu. The day started in the best way when Teeba was in the Aeroparque waiting for us. After all the mess of being rejcted an Argentinian visa, not being able to change a flight after travelling the first leg and not being able to buy a one way since it arrived to Bolivia too late, we had lost hope. Or else, we had accepted that higher forces were keeping her away and she should just stay in Ecuador with her friend Pamela. But I guess she fought it one more time after knowing that the Visa had been aproved in Argentina and it was the stupid New York Monica that did not gie it to her. And with only Pato (and Pamela off course) in the game, she showed up. I was happy but not too surprised, since Pato was way to stressed yesterday and I mentioned she was coming by surprise to face the denial of the remaining girls. Moreover, I learned how to hope the best from Teeba (other than in April Fools) so this was more of her.
We passed out on the plane to disembark to 25+ degrees and a great weather. Suzana, our tour guide, took us to the Garganta Sight where you have a splendid view of the "dry" falls. Dry is clearly an overstatement as there is water all over the place but I guess they are used to seeing no rocks. So it was totally worth it. After the lower trail, we took a row boat (rather than the motor one used for heavy falls) and our "rower" took us under the falls. That was an adrenaline filled experiene, truly exciting and utterly beautifu!
