Yes, it was indeed a short trip but worth no doubt every single minute. London even greeted my long absence with a stunning sun and a not too cold weather. Friday I hung out in canary wharf for the morning, after no sleep in the flight and a five am arrival to Heathrow. I was able to catch up with some friends and see how the emotions are tough right now. Sorry for all of those I ended up not seeing, I really wish I did but unfortunately time is always constrained in short trips like this. Next time I will try to be more organized and actually let you know in advance that I am heading there and not just call you when I am downstairs of 20 Bank Street. I am glad however that there was time for most things this weekend, mostly spending quality time with Bernardo with my sister but also some good time with some friends. It’s funny how I did not have a blog at the time but London was indeed a home away from home. And it still feels like such. It is nice to be back and it is nice to know ...
I will always be home, and will always be away from home. With a heart split and a heart everywhere. Writing thoughts, dreams, facts and comments