So here is the story. I just wrote about a page and a half on this thing, and it was suddenly all gone. It only took me an hour, so why getting upset about it. But I do get the message, it only tells me that I was writing too much. So I will make life easier and shorten it (after my first reaction of “I don’t care I am not writing it anymore”). Your first thought looking at this blog (assuming i) you actually looked at it and ii) you actually thought about it for more than a few seconds) might have been, “why the hell is she starting it at day 3”. Well, the thing is I was “told” to write this blog because I was away and “everyone has a blog when they are away, so you are supposed to”. Therefore I decided to start reflecting my away days, in my new home, away from home. (I could have said something simpler as “Sara in Boston”, but truth be said, is it really going to be my last home away from home…) And you might wonder (again, assumptions) why I have not written before, if I already be...