I have to admit, it has been a long long time since I was awake on a Saturday morning on my own free will (last week, with Patricia waking me up at 8am jet lagged does not really count, it was really not my own free will). And in a way it feels good. I mean, the sun is beautiful. The biggest reason for it to feel good is probably because I have not set my feet out of the door yet:
I am claiming that I will study this weekend, and for that I have been out of bed for a couple of hours though it is still barely lunch time here. Well, I am reading about this Mountain Dew drink that is apparently super famous and I never heard about before, I read last night about the Iridium failure by Motorola and some finance case that I will have to negotiate on Monday. Things are fun fun overall but it is not exactly my cup of tea for a Saturday morning.
Soon I will start doing my recruiting activities; going through immense websites and try to figure out what is it that will make me get out of bed every morning next summer with the usual smile and the usual energy. I keep the best self in mind and try to remember that it needs to be about the people, the values, the challenge and the room to grow. And I wonder if this perfection exists and if it does, whether I will be able to find it. It is the charming prince story. All in all, is there a perfect job, like there is a perfect person? Or are there perfect jobs at different times? It is just like the old story of the Mr Right and Mr Right Now. I like to believe in the first one rather than the second but I am not sure the same applies to work. M&A was my Mr. Right Now for work and definitely not my Mr. Right. :-)
I am thinking whether I should go Christmas shopping instead… I mean, it is da** cold outside, and I spent more than I definitely had last weekend, but Christmas is just about there, the sun is shining and my Christmas three has no bags around it yet so I guess it could be a good option, no?

Soon I will start doing my recruiting activities; going through immense websites and try to figure out what is it that will make me get out of bed every morning next summer with the usual smile and the usual energy. I keep the best self in mind and try to remember that it needs to be about the people, the values, the challenge and the room to grow. And I wonder if this perfection exists and if it does, whether I will be able to find it. It is the charming prince story. All in all, is there a perfect job, like there is a perfect person? Or are there perfect jobs at different times? It is just like the old story of the Mr Right and Mr Right Now. I like to believe in the first one rather than the second but I am not sure the same applies to work. M&A was my Mr. Right Now for work and definitely not my Mr. Right. :-)
I am thinking whether I should go Christmas shopping instead… I mean, it is da** cold outside, and I spent more than I definitely had last weekend, but Christmas is just about there, the sun is shining and my Christmas three has no bags around it yet so I guess it could be a good option, no?
You more than double the number of articles in you blog in just one weekend... I can see that after all you are learning something new in the MBA about management and research operations :P
If you write like that every single weekend and in every single class that you feel sleepy in 1.5years you will feel proud of your achievments in the MBA ;)
Bruno (a.k.a Junior)