We decided to vary from English countryside and try the English seaside instead. The prospects were not good. This week it snowed in London, the week was grey and cold, we were exhausted from a nasty week at work. For the first time in years we did not go in search of guaranteed warm sun as we always do in the first May Bank Holiday. Initially planned as a Cornwall trip, our weekend turned to the Isle of Wight, also unknown to us.
Isle of Wight is not disappointing so far. The classic English manor house at the Priory Bay Hotel offered us a superb room with a view overlooking the estate and the sea. The friendly staff are welcoming of our unstoppable toddler though we are surprised to see almost no guests (after the website said they were full and we called just to give it a try). The estate also give us direct access to a large sandy beach (from where I started this blog) where we spent a long lazy time watching the sea, collecting stones and throwing up them back at the water. The beach had only locals who immediately took the good weather on offer. They all seem to have a dog, must be a requirement around here. By good weather I mean we were ok in our wintery jackets, not in shorts or t-shirts! C played endlessly with stones and sand. She does not get messy enough as she is often oicky about having her hands dirty so we encouraged her and, as we moved to the beach 'next door', a pebble beach, she enjoyed laying down and burying daddy on the stones.
The afternoon took a turn away from the sea as we decided to visit the IOW Zoo. At first we were suspicious of whether we were making the right choice, but as we started the tiger feed we knew we were in the right place. Tiger Aisha chose to place her meal just in fromt of us, a meter away, where we could enjoy the scenery without having to zoom in any camera. Of all places, I never thought Isle of Wight Zoo would be where I would see closer lions, tigers and a jaguar. Exhausted but happy we finished our day with a muffin by the beach.
As we walked on the beach I got nostalgic of what i know won't last forever. When one of our long lasting dreams comes through and we move to Portugal, we know we will have less time for our core. So we promised we would do this no matter what, to spend time with each other. And stop to watch throw pebbles and get our hands in the sand. Thank you Isle of Wight for a happy (Portuguese) mother's day!