We managed a weekend away. Away in what was about to become the center of the unrest, which never really materialized. As Greece played chicken with Europe and lost, we loaded on euros and took off to Mykonos. It had been a few years since we last came, and I am glad we managed to shift everything around to be here, even though that meant C stayed with the nanny.
I am glad we came because it mattered to my sister. During the time we lived hell knowing she was at life risk, I know this is the one focus she kept - making it to Mykonos for the party. They had been planning it I guess for years and she made it her mission to speak about how she was going to make it. I guess that made people nervous, it made them think she did not understand the serious situation. I understood it did, and it was her choice to focus on life after, because there was nothing she could do about it then but wait for the surgery to be successful. And as soon as the suegery ended she followed the strict instructions to be deemed well to fly within a week. She made it, because she is a warrior, a pragmatic focused one.
And for that I was happy to be there when she made her most emotional speech yet, even though it had me sobbing for an endless time after. The tears of relief replaced the tears of fear that did not dare to come out over the last month. I did not dare let them out and allow any fear to dawn on us. After all, we were going to Mykonos.
And we did. We enjoyed the blue cool beach of Panormos and the too late loud music in Kalo Livadi Solemare restaurant, the posh beauty and comfort of Paraga and the wild Fokos with its nice Taverna. I found time to read a good book about the holocaust (ok maybe not pleasant), shop in town, drink wine and even a romantic dinner. It felt (and was) outside reality but it was a nice break to try (again) to give this year a new start.