I am committed to writing more often, I think it will be good for me.
So as the week ends, I chose not to open my Princess sequel, as I know it will get me hooked again for tne next 3 days. The first book was quite strong. I can't say I was surprised but the reality check is harsh. I wonder what T feels about it. I read in her letter to her young self how she convinced her Dad to study abroad and be the first female in the family to do so. Some things in the book may resonate with her. Others are maybe a distant reality... Or so I would hope!
I have been reading more. I missed devouring books like I used to do before sleep and ALG took over. It creates a sort of addition in me and I am not really free in my mind until I am over with it. The first ones I read after a long break were even worse, I used ever minute free with my kindle walking around the house to try and get a glimpse to the next paragraph. As the reading urge softens I am able to put the book down more often. It is an interesting addiction. There should in fact be a better word for addiction when this addiction is a positive one. Or I wonder if all addictions have a taste of negative in them...