Post #100 had to be special. So I saved it for today. I today graduated from Harvard Business School. Not being one of those people that always dreamt or even ever imagined this it was a touching day. In fact, I dont think I landed yet, mainly to the fact that in little more than 72 hours I will be leaving the United States, Harvard, Boston, my mini United Nations group of friends. My house is already barely furnished to remind me of reality, bags are everywere and the movers left a long time ago. There is no turning back, this is it. Today I was conceeded the masters of business administration and the President of Harvard claimed we were now equipped to lead people and organizations. Guests could not hear it but amongst us a laughter came up on this sentence. Not that we think it is funny, I think it is mostly a nervous laughter: "is this it, are you sure I am not the admissions mistake?".

Yes, this is it. I graduated from Harvard, I wore the little hat, I got my diploma and I am now meant to go and lead. Post #100 starts the rest of my life, and I hope to live up to it.
o mundo é teu
obrigado por me deixares fazer parte do teu mundo
e vi a tua mana!
lembro-me perfeitamente dela, mas era dois anos mais velha que eu penso. mas foi bom reconhecer alguém! beijinhos