My bag is packed and I am ready to go. Before that, I still want to get a draft Board Presentation off the way. Yes, I am back to that! Well, in fact I never left my beloved slides but these ones are aimed at Board and not just management as until now. What this means is that I am almost done with my internship, one more week to go. It makes me happy now (that I am working for 9 weeks and Bernardo drops me at work every morning) but I am sure I will be sad in a week as I realize my time here is ending. The balance will definitely be positive, despite the ups and downs. I have no doubt about that.
Thanks for all the support on the items on the to do list, with help I can definitely get it done. The projects for 2009 are starting to get in shape so that means the Business Plan will follow, we managed to send the pictures out and are all set for the fundraising event on Monday, I decided to postpone the first edition of the newsletter to August 31st (help still welcome on this one) and I even wrote the preliminary project for the Orphanage. Fine, I still have no clue about the container, but I am trusting some miracle will happen while I am gone!
In a couple of hours I am off to the border, I am not allowed to stay in Mozambique for another 24 hours as my Visa expires and I take the opportunity to go to Kruger. I insisted with Bernardo that I rather go on a safari than take my car… I heard too many stories of cars attacked, and I definitely want to try the new lenses in my camera and be fully focused on that (not on running away from animals)!!! Wish me luck!