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HBS Reunion (a year ahead of time). A world of opportunity

I sit in a Spangler couch. ‘It looks like an  expensive countryside hotel lounge’ my sister said when she first came to visit. It is all that except for the hotel part. Unbelievably comfortable for a solitude moment or a chat around a coffee table. Designed for both. 

I sit inside as Boston weather sticks to its reputation. 26 degrees for the 3rd day but rain has hit amidst the sun. Everyone is quick to reallocate. It is na odd environment, one where I am an outsider. It is not my reunion after all. And amongst all my strong interpersonal skills, I am still an introvert, which most people don’t recognise as truth (incl B really). Large social gatherings with people I don’t know get me exhausted. When I started going out with B, he was already out of the section ‘cult’ and I was full on my own cult. Our friends intersected in the international crowd and that was sufficient. And barely noticeable. But as I am here, with no offence, I belong nowhere. I am not in reunion but I am also not a partner. Partners, especially those that were in school at the time, have a world of their own. But I also never belonged there. At least not during school, and hard to immerse myself in it now. 

As B gathers with his section for an (exciting and dangerous) skydeck session, I chose a Spangler couch. I am still hoping to gather strength to go check out the social enterprise reception but energy level is faltering. So i absorb what is around me. There is a lot to be said about me and my ability to sit and do nothing. It is non existent. I have browsed through facebook, twitter, instagram and whatever else on my phone. I watch out for the battery and see it threatening my idle time. I chose to write and let my mind wonder about this experience. Not here to talk about a specific content or session I attended, that is likely to come next. Children everywhere, people chat and talk openly about their businesses, what they are doing, what the challenges are. That will always amaze me, how we so easily open up when we meet one of our  section or class friends. There seems to be no required filter or formality, unusual from someone that has not been seen in 5 years, when not more. I love that, the ability not to have to do meaningless conversation and just engage in content debate, life talks or personal challenges.

It is good to be back at Harvard. It still means everything that it once meant. The intellectual challenge, the open critical thought, the desire to learn from others, the ability to connect like minded (and not so much) individuals. And more, the opportunity. The world feels a place full of opportunities when you spend 3 days immersed in HBS culture. Everything is possible, achievable. And not out of the arrogance that other people expect from HBs grads. It is actually also out of humility. Being here is a reality check for most people - for one reason or the other. For those that stayed in their jobs and became partners, seeing those who went on to venture on their own. For those that venture on their own, to see the stability that those that took corporate jobs were able to achieve. Those with more money, power, influence, meaning. Everyone does tens to look at the greener grass on the other side, in a positive way. Not in envy but rather mostly in genuine pride that they made it, some inspiration and most definitely some humility about their own achievements. Harvard has that unique ability to gather so many amazing people in one place that no matter who you are, someone else’s story will always impress you. 
I was humbled to read the photo project from the class of 2018. What will you do with your own unique and priceless life, was the question. I am not sure I would have such a good answer when I graduated. And none of them is about money or power, but rather about influencing others and making a difference. A handful of them talks about mental illness and I recognise that the incidence among us is likely to be the highest. Hard not to. So much expectations laid on us by the school (and the rest of the world). Leaders that will make a difference in the world. We are not allowed to stay in our own little corner. We feel a responsibility to engage with society, business and do the right thing, make a difference in our communities. It does not even mean charity, it just means a recognition that what we do impacts others more than average. And that we can’t run from that. 

Thank you Harvard, I welcome the challenge, though I recognise my need to pace myself and how I deal with the daunting task ahead. I am grateful for my time here, and for the opportunity to pause and let half of the year sink in. I shall be back in a year, for my own reunion. I am certain i wont be able to sit in Spangler then. 


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