I have a dream, a dream that I can do something else.
I dream that I can create something powerful. I dream that I can be part of something meaningful. I dream that I can help people. And in my head, this dream can be one and many streams together.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be "the owner of dad's company". Somewhere there, it was always clear I would end up working for myself, even when I did not know what that meant. Today, I know what it means, and I still have not changed my mind.
For the first five year years of my career, I helped companies execute on their transactions, achieve their desired deals, evaluate opportunities to grow. Yes, I was an investment banker. And I still say this proudly. I built the discipline and systematic analytics to dig deep, think big and execute. In HBS, this all made sense as each day I got to know three new companies that I could learn about, investigate, analyse, strategize. It was this desire for critical challenge that made me embrace so deeply my work in management, thereby applying all my drive and knowledge to helping run a company I truly care for. Yes, it is still a bank, and I am still not ashamed. Through the years, I have come to realize how each new problem continues to entice me, how each new project captures my attention, how I can in fact still help and affect so many things. But what next?
I have a dream that I can now use this drive to break in pieces, read through and rebuild to other businesses - of any size. I now dream that I can share this with more business owners, those that the dimension of the place where I sit can not reach. Or those that are just starting, and have great ideas but no execution skills. I now dream I can coach people in a skill-set managers do not always have - intellectual honesty. That is my newfound expertise. I am passionate about the truth, transparency and facts, and the power they have in driving business decisions.
I believe this can make a difference and I dream that I can make a difference. I will, you just watch!