I know, I have been back for a while, but these days I am really really back to work. But i am still hanging on. Just when you think you may be lacking the motivation, a weekend in Portugal and interesting work just make adrenaline kick in again. I had a long 16 hour day and for the second day in a row I left with a feeling of job done even if there are still to dos in my list. It is rare and I know still early to sing victory but small triumphs make me happy.
Small and big obvious. Last week was full of good things and it translated into bringing my love for "A Little Gesture" further. 100 people joined to network and support a cause and I was fortunate to be in the center of it. Speaking in public was never my cup of tea and I must say I was not eager to go talk in the microphone. But for the first time, all went away. There was nothing around me but me the dream the children and the will of telling people about this love. Help them understand and believe it was impossible to walk away without doing something, at least a little gesture. And I did... This time I did and I am thankful for who helped me and who heard me, who trusted me and who believed me. And the pre-school is now financed, "mama etelvina" barely believes it yet! Thank you!
Small and big obvious. Last week was full of good things and it translated into bringing my love for "A Little Gesture" further. 100 people joined to network and support a cause and I was fortunate to be in the center of it. Speaking in public was never my cup of tea and I must say I was not eager to go talk in the microphone. But for the first time, all went away. There was nothing around me but me the dream the children and the will of telling people about this love. Help them understand and believe it was impossible to walk away without doing something, at least a little gesture. And I did... This time I did and I am thankful for who helped me and who heard me, who trusted me and who believed me. And the pre-school is now financed, "mama etelvina" barely believes it yet! Thank you!