I read this article today, and i was going to share it on my facebook I realised ot had the limitation of being in Portuguese. So I just thought I would bring some pieces here! I am sharing it not because i feel it myself, I actually feel very blessed B is so supportive and actually pushes me to ask for more. And I can't help my thing of my favourite Indian girlfriend. "The generation of women that was created to be everything a man DOES NOT want' Sometimes I catch myself imagining an hypotetical man that describes the woman of his dreams "she has to study and work a lot and have a permanently full email inbox. Her feet should have blisters because she continuously walks back and forward in her high heels. She should be independent and do what she pleases with her own salary: buy an expensive purse, donate to a social project, make a trip though Europe on her own. She needs to drove well and understand about taxes. Cooking? She does not have to. There is a certain c...
I will always be home, and will always be away from home. With a heart split and a heart everywhere. Writing thoughts, dreams, facts and comments