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Showing posts from September, 2007

Flying Sunday

It's been a while, I know. But time is really a precious asset and I have not been leveraging on it well enough... But today I did and I am proud. I threw all the plans out of the window and took the irrefusable offer I was made "Do you want to go flying today?". How does no work as an answer there? Here is one of the c. 30 airplanes you could see there. First reaction from our pilot: "Why are all these planes here, don't people realize it is an amazing day for flying?". Well, I had not untill he told me so! But the best is still to come, as the only girl in the group I got to ride in the front, get first view in take-off, listen to the radio of the air control all the time (we get Boston airport frequency), check the map, speeds, everything... I guess throughout the way we were some quiet passengers, in the wonders of realizing you are on air, the curiosity of identifying different places and the struggle to take the best pictures as we pass the Harvard...

Day 6 - My first day

To whoever ever wondered what it would be the first day at business school, here goes my piece of information. If you have never really wondered, I am not that sure why you would be reading something with such a title, given the obvious relation of what is going through my mind to the laptop right now but I will just assume you are so nice you can not avoid reading these lines. To those curious of you, I will undo the myth for you. I had a really fun day. I did lego, I had my eyes folded to figure out colours and shapes of the foam weird objects I was given, we built a wood puzzle against the time. What, you actually thought I was actually going to spend my first day on the case method? Well, I might have, but in fact the day was beautiful and hot so we changed the plans last minute and decided to go for outdoor activities instead J Naaaa, I know your thinking that it was just vacation, I still get those jokes every day but that is actually not right. I did get to learn a lot today....

Day 3 - I already dislike this... the blog, not the city

So here is the story. I just wrote about a page and a half on this thing, and it was suddenly all gone. It only took me an hour, so why getting upset about it. But I do get the message, it only tells me that I was writing too much. So I will make life easier and shorten it (after my first reaction of “I don’t care I am not writing it anymore”). Your first thought looking at this blog (assuming i) you actually looked at it and ii) you actually thought about it for more than a few seconds) might have been, “why the hell is she starting it at day 3”. Well, the thing is I was “told” to write this blog because I was away and “everyone has a blog when they are away, so you are supposed to”. Therefore I decided to start reflecting my away days, in my new home, away from home. (I could have said something simpler as “Sara in Boston”, but truth be said, is it really going to be my last home away from home…) And you might wonder (again, assumptions) why I have not written before, if I already be...

Day 3 - Do I have a blog now?

After all the suggestions (or shall I call them ultimatum) saying that I should have a blog, I have now surrendered. I tried convincing some friends that facebook or smallworld would do just fine to post some news and pictures, but that message did not get through. Some advocated the use of email as preferred way to communicate but on that one I do agree that a blog replaces quite some emails and works as kick off for further communication. So I decided to give it a try. Not sure how long it will last, how often I will post, not even what I will post, but I will try something out. After all, I always had writing ambitions (long ago put inside a box with a rusty lock) so who knows this may bring the spirit on again. Shall the posting begin :-)